Search Results
4 matches found for search term cosmic, exact phrase.

Cosmic Web
A portion of the cosmic web. The various clumps that are already bound at this time will remain so, but clumps that are not mutually bound together will never become so....
Keywords: Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, cosmic, galaxies, galaxy cluster, gravitation, gravi...

Gravity Waves from Colliding White Dwarfs
Two white dwarfs are approaching each other on an inbound spiral that can only result in destrucion, sending gravitational waves deep into the cosmos. They will soon collide to form a Type 1a supernova....
Keywords: 3DS_Max, Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, conceptual, cosmic wave, einstein, gravi...

Milky Way Inhomogeneity - V1
Astronomers have found that interstellar gas in the Milky Way often has low amounts of chemical elements. The believe this may due to cosmic gas that falls into the Milky Way in the form of high-velocity clouds with low numbers of heavy elements in t...
Keywords: 3DS_Max, accretion, Adobe Photoshop, astronomy, gas, inhomogeneity, Milky Way, m...

Milky Way Inhomogeneity - V2
Astronomers have found that interstellar gas in the Milky Way often has low amounts of chemical elements. The believe this may due to cosmic gas that falls into the Milky Way in the form of high-velocity clouds with low numbers of heavy elements in t...
Keywords: accretion, Adobe Photoshop, astrophysics, gas, inhomogeneity, Milky Way, mixing,...

End of 4 total matches